Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Norms of polite society, and the distinction between human and animal.

In western society, and especially in the upper echelons of western society, their are several "norms" which may reveal some basic truths about civilization if we examine then closely.

Society has taken an attitude to eating in general, that is drastically different than that of the rest of the animal kingdom. Humans now generally eat, with "utensils" meant to replace their hands, and generally consider this as "what you do". If somebody does not follow this norm, they are denounced as an "animal", and said to be contradicting human nature.
Firstly lets ask, why do people eat with utensils in the first place, for millions of years we did not, and suddenly we find it an atrocity to eat in the absence of utensils. People who do not use this utensils, are labeled "animals". These people are still humans, but yet keep some "animal" aspect within them, which seems to threaten society . Society has decided humans, must use utensils when eating to "elevate" themselves from the place of animals, and to transcend the animal kingdom. In other words, to prove they are more civilized then animals, by eating with utensils, and showing that we can refrain ourselves from savage behavior.
In later posts, I will explain why humans are not transcendental from the animal kingdom, and explain how they were a part of it for millions of years.

Is civilization a drug?

Before i Begin examining civilization's malignancies, I am first going to hypothesize a practical reason why people CHOSE to become "civilized".
Since civilization, ultimately does have certain aspects which may be considered beneficial, i will examine two of them to show their true nature.
1. Firstly, and most prominently, is the idea of comfort. When many people are confronted with explaining the true benefits of civilization, which supposedly overcome the overwhelming malignancies, they respond that having material possessions such as a house and a bed are reason enough to continue with civilization.

If we are to judge if having a bed and a house a truly beneficial, lets ask a simple question. Do they bring happiness into our lives?
Any sane person would answer rarely, these material possessions only bring momentary pleasure, similar to how a drug, can bring tremendous amounts of momentary pleasure, yet never create immutable, true happiness.

Civilization, carries a plethora of drugs which are being advanced by our techno-materialist culture to become even more effective, and in essence, more intoxicating. For these drugs must continue to advance, for without these drugs, the masses would surely choose to abandon civilization, as it causes them to go through unthinkable amounts of suffering.

2. Mass society/mass culture- Another "blessing" of civilization is supposedly the devices which depict scenes and create sounds. Television, radios, and music all carry MEMES, or ideas which are transported around the world. These ideas carried within these transporters are eerily similar, and ultimately infect your mind with stereotypes, cliches, and concepts of modern western culture. The "programs" are shallow, and rarely challenge us to solve the world's problems. As television and memes infect our minds, we become immune and devoid of any spirituality, and of recognition of our own suffering. This "culture", is not a culture at all in essence, but a homogenized effort to remove a person from reality. Picturing "ideal" people, the masses can shortly bathe in the security of "being" with these people, however eventually, they must come back to reality.
Drugs, are essentially tools to remove oneself from reality, mass culture, similar to a drug, destroys authentic culture, which I will discuss in later posts.

Additionally, in later posts I will articulate on these ideas, and give specific examples of programs and cliches, as you are probably still skeptical.